Water Slide Simulator, Never Ending Fun!

We all can agree water slides are fun but they never are long enough. Along with climbing all the stairs and waiting in the lines. Computer controlled waterside ride that…

A Computer Faster than You can Imagine…Literally| Quantum Computing

0110100001100101011011000110110001101111 or in English”Hello”. Imagine a computer completing a task before your brain could. This is quite possible with the developments in Quantum Computing. What is a Quantum Computer? A…

Technology allows Independence for People With Dementia

The technology, which has been developed by the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering (BIME) in the School for Health at the University of Bath, has been designed to help people…

Man Trapped Inside His Own Body for 23 Years

A man was incorrectly diagnosed as in a vegetative state when he was only paralyzed. The discovery was made when doctors performed a brain scan and discovered brain activity was…

The Jaguar is Now the Worlds Fastest Computer

Jaguar began service in 2005 with a speed of 26-teraflops (trillion calculations per second) using 37,376 quad core AMD processors. This year the processors were upgraded to six-core AMD Istanbul…