Guy known as Donnie causes mayhem in Shanghai China by successfully impersonating Roger Federer

Apparently the stereotype of all Asians looking the same to westerners is a two way street. Self proclaimed Masshole (Masechusettes A**Hole) is doing anything he can to make some cash…

Starting an FIRST Technical Challege Team (FTC) in Middle School

Code Red Robotics has some great new information about how to go about starting an FTC middle school team. Take a look at their resources available here:   Great FTC…

Osama bin Laden found Dead!

News just reported that Osama bin Laden is dead! After years of false reports and false alarms the US claims to have the body of Osama bin Laden as of…

HTC Aria

HTC Aria Stops Vibrating when I recieve a text message [Solution]

I had a friend who kept having the problem with her HTC Aria. Randomly the phone would cease to notify of incoming text messages with a vibrate. So the simplest…

Soap and Water vs. Hand Sanitizer Which is better?

Which one is better? How do hands washed by soap and water compare to hands cleansed using a hand sanitizer. It has been said that the use of hand sanitizers…