Guy known as Donnie causes mayhem in Shanghai China by successfully impersonating Roger Federer

Apparently the stereotype of all Asians looking the same to westerners is a two way street. Self proclaimed Masshole (Masechusettes A**Hole) is doing anything he can to make some cash to get back home after getting stuck abroad. This includes a stunt of tricking hundreds of Chinese people that he is infact the infamous German Tennis star Roger Federer. Proving that any white guy can look like any other white guy to the average Asian. After signing many autographs on paper for his unknowing “fans”, things started to frenzy as he started to get repeated requests to sign more interesting mediums than paper, like purses, skin, and backpacks. Simply scribbling the poorly written letters for Roger Federer mine as well have been written by a 4 year old using a crayon. After seeing Donnie’s Fake Federer video we noticed he has a whole series of his shenanigans to make a buck in Asia to afford a plane ticket back home to Boston.

This story has already picked up some attention by some notable sources:

Bar Stool Sports:

Sports Illustrated: via

Yahoo UK :


Tennis Earth:
