Category Archives: Future

Nikola Tesla’s dream of wireless electricity is now a reality

Findings have really sparked the imagination of many brilliant minds around the world causing a lot of recent development happening on Nikola Tesla’s dream of WiTricity (Wireless Electricity). A physics…

GM is Giving the Electric Car Another Shot!

GM is planning to launch its new 2011 Volt this November. Volt is an electric car that can create its own electricity. Plug it in, let it charge overnight, and…

Your Car Collecting and Sharing Intelligence

The U.S. Department of Transportation is looking into developing what they call the IntelliDrive Network. Newer cars come equipped with a multitude of sensors that collect environmental data. But the…

A Computer Faster than You can Imagine…Literally| Quantum Computing

0110100001100101011011000110110001101111 or in English”Hello”. Imagine a computer completing a task before your brain could. This is quite possible with the developments in Quantum Computing. What is a Quantum Computer? A…

Electronic Paper

Imagine taking your computer screen and folding it up so you can take it with you. This would be possible with all the developments of “e-paper”. E-paper would open up…