Water Slide Simulator
We all can agree water slides are fun but they never are long enough. Along with climbing all the stairs and waiting in the lines. Computer controlled waterside ride that can be programmed with an infinite amount of slide combination’s. Along with the great feature of being able to have the ride last as long as you want it too. All these features along with the possibility of placing this in your backyard.
Water slide animation is projected in front of you to give you the illusion of actually going down a water slide. While the slide in the shape of a doughnut rotates and tosses and turns to simulate the G forces experienced while riding down a real slide. Watch the episode of Prototype this to see the design and build process behind the Water Slide Simulator.
[pro-player width='400' height='300' type='video']http://blip.tv/file/get/Tiwana6330-S1PTdhkfhdskfdE5456.flv[/pro-player]
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