This is old news but there are many people (including myself) that think sitting directly on a public toilet seat is a dangerous endeavor. So I decided to do a little research and find out if the myth is true.
Many consider the toilet seat to be the dirtiest thing in the bathroom. A lot of people refuse to sit upon such a disgusting object in a public domain.
But in reality a University of Arizona study shows that a desk is capable of supporting 10 million bacteria and the average office contains 20,961 germs per square inch.The main sources are telephones, (up to 25,127 germs per square inch) keyboards (3,295) and computer mice (1,676).
With the average toilet seat containing 49 germs per square inch it fails to present itself as a valid source of worry compared to the other everyday objects we come in contact with.
So in all honesty, a lot of toilet seats are “clean enough to eat off of”. Meaning you should be more concerned about the things your hands touch: Door Handles, sink, soap dispenser, paper towel dispenser and the floor. On a majority of cases it has been found that a desk has way more bacteria on it than a toilet seat. Try and save some toilet paper, there is no need to construct a protective layer of toilet paper to keep you safe. So relax, wiping the seat clean with a small amount of toilet paper is sufficient to ensure a surface clean and safe enough for your bottom.
Public Toilet Seats are nothing to be afraid of.
TL;DR; but you have great images.
Yeah I wouldn’t say its too long but I guess that it relative to the person and circumstances. A lot of people seem to like my images. I come up on Google image search quite often.