Jaguar began service in 2005 with a speed of 26-teraflops (trillion calculations per second) using 37,376 quad core AMD processors. This year the processors were upgraded to six-core AMD Istanbul processors. This increased performance about 70% with the upgrade cost of $19.9 million funded by the Recovery Act. After the upgrade the Jaguar clocks in at 1.759 petaflops (quadrillion calculations, per second), pushing it up into the #1 spot for worlds fastest super computer.
Located at Oak Ridge National Lab, the Jaguars new upgrades will enable scientific simulations for exploring solutions to climate change and the development of new energy technologies. It is anticipated that this growth in computing capacity may help to provide improved climate predictions, better understandings of the origin of the universe and the underpinnings of health and disease, fuel-efficient engine designs, and creation of advanced materials for improved energy production, transmission, and storage.
Source: Oak Ridge National Lab